Thursday, August 27, 2009

'Textural Mountain Bloom'

Acrylic 16x20 , 550.00
Having lots of fun with the texture...not so much with titles. Again, you must full view to get the full impact. For any questions or purchases please contact me at

Tangle Light

Acrylic on canvas, 18x24 ,$695.00
Back to getting my hands dirty...lots of texture
( don't know how many times I have reworked this painting!)
Please full view
for any questions or purchases please contact me at

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Trail View'

Acrylic on canvas, 12x12. $295.00
Funny how some painting can take forever...hours, and then others seem to just happen so smoothly...this one... 45 min. I really like the light.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Come Together

Acrylic on canvas, 24x36
I've given up the plein-air and painting a day...for now. I was getting a little frustrated and felt I was stifling my creativity. So back to my larger canvases and getting my hands dirty...much happier! I have changed my blog name to reflect this change...I will still paint everyday but not force myself to produce a painting everyday.

I've been looking at an older painting (2008) "The Gathering" it had always bothered me and I couldn't figure out was time to fix it, change it and make it better. I think I have succeeded. Took out the human element and added a few more horses. Still...not sure if it's done but good for now. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


acrylic 8x10. Not use to all this smoothness in my landscapes but plein air does not allow me more time for my texures in acrylic...will have to come up with something

Between the Trees

8x8 acrylic on gessobord.$ 165.00
No palette knife for this landscape and I'm not sure I like the smoothness and I think I'm trying to put too much detail in these tiny ones

Monday, August 17, 2009

Elbow River, Plein Air

acrylic, on gessobord, 8x10, $195.00
When Plein Air painting with artist friend Kathryn Manry. Went twice now to this beautiful secluded spot just before Elbow Falls ( Elbow boat launch) I really am surprised more people don't go there to enjoy it...picnic tables fire pits, loads of trees and the ability to dangle your feet in the refreshing water. I'm still not equipped for this kind of painting so parking the car close by and not having to walk far is a must! Some day would love to buy a soltek easel ( if they ever drop in price!)

Friday, August 14, 2009

You Looking at Me?

While driving around Elbow Falls, we had to stop for all theses cows crossing the road ( slowly I might add). They were grazing on either side of the road got out to take pictures...I now have tons of reference photos!
Acrylic on gessobord, 8x10, $195.00

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Apple Slice

acrlic on gessobord, 8"x 8 "


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shadows and Pears

I just loved the shadows on these pears...but I think I over worked the pears a bit.
acrylic on gessobord, 8x10, $ 195.00

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tiny 5x7 acrylic on gessobord, $125.00

Monday, August 10, 2009

White Portrait

Tiny 5x7, acrylic on gessobord

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Misty Walk

acrylic on gessobord, 8x10 , $195.00

Saturday, August 8, 2009

acrylic on gessobord, 8x8, $165.00
This happened quite by accident and I'm really quite pleased with it. I covered a small 8x8 gessobord with gel, just to get some background texture and as I was adding some tint I saw a horse emerge so...I went with it. Didn't want to mess around too much with it so I could keep it fresh. PLEASE FULL VIEW

thanks to my sponsor studio Todorovic

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rocky Mountain Mist

Acrylic on canvas, 20x24 in

Here is another older canvas I painted over ( how can you tell I was running out of canvas). On the upside though, I now have a sponsor! Studio Todorovic. in Art Central who also sells my jewellery.
I am also represented by Swirl Fine Arts in Art Central, who sells my paintings.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rocky Mountain Texture

acrylic 18x24 on canvas

Painted over an old painting ( again). I really like to do this to create more texture and depth to my paintings. I still need to workout a few details but this was a lot of fun to play with.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hidden Stream

Acrylic 8x10
Been away for a few days.
Here is a tiny fast painting to get me going again