Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wildflower Meadow

acrylic 24 x 40 inches
I'm not quite done with this one, but I have to live with it for awhile before I make any adjustments.Maybe it's because this is a little different for me and the adjustments are in my head, lol. In any event there are many things I do like. I am also enclosing the original photo and the cropped and lightened photo. This scene was on the road back from Maligne Lake in Jasper.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Busy Bee

I really don't know where the time goes! I haven't been painting much these last few weeks. Between holidays, travelling, company and a move, there really hasn't been much time. I have this week to paint before I'm off to Banff on the weekend and then New Brunswick. So nose to the grind, it's studio time!

This painting was causing me so much grief and has been reworked so many times...it was good to have a break and come back to it. I added the wild flowers inspired by a recent Artist in Residency trip to Jasper where the mountain blooms were so beautiful. acrylic 18 x24

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Big Hill Springs ,Palette knife

small acrylic 9x12
I was going to say I reworked this plein air painting I did at Big Springs but I actually painted over the whole thing with a palette knife.

Friday, July 1, 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different!

acrylic 11 x14
I felt like doing something completely different for Canada Day. I wanted to try my new 'interactive' paints in my studio. ( I bought them for plein air painting as they stay wet longer and come back to life after to spray with water). I haven't done any figurative work in a while and needed a break from my landscape to do a little experimenting and playing. It's a little tight and my anatomy is probably way off but I do like a lot of aspects to this little painting. Gotta love red hair!