Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lost In The Foothills

acrylic 20 x 28

During one of my travels to the Leighton Art Centre,I decided to take a different route and ended up taking a wrong turn. I was lost for a bit, but stumbled upon this beautiful vista in the foothills. I also saw a lot of areas to plein air paint ( haven't done that this year yet). here are the two photos I used as reference after I touched them up a bit.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


'Longing',acrylic 11 x 14
Another in my cow series.

Baby Blue

'Baby Blue', Acrylic 12 x 12.
 This little fella was fun to do. When I applied the texture (gel) at the beginning, I used a brush more than the palette knife to try and mimic brush strokes. Appling the texture overall using a palette knife doesn't allow me the freedom to blend my edges. This way worked quite well...for acrylics.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy On The Creek

acrylic 2 ft x 3ft

Another version ( larger) of Policeman's Creek minus the snow and the houses. I just realized my horizon line in smack in the middle, and my mountain is too pointed.I could almost divide my canvas right down the middle for two equal sides. These things are usually not so good in a painting...but somehow it doesn't bother me...much. I did work on varing my greens and adding a pop of colour with the red leaves on the tree...that works well. Looks like I'll have to live with this one and figure out some problems.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


'White Coats',11 x 14, 'Three Woolies',12 x12.

Amidst working on some landscapes for Mountain Galleries I am also working on some small animal  ( sheep, rosters,cows and horses) canvases for the Leighton Centre's 'Clothesline' Fundraiser,where about 60 invited artists are asked to hang unframed work on clotheslines. There is entertainment, BBQ, children's activities etc, enjoyment for the whole family! It's the centre's largest event of the year.I'm volunteering and looking forward to it!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pond In The Woods

acrylic 36 x 24.
Painted over another older painting I did about 2 1/2 years ago. I am still amazed at what a difference a couple of years make! I had such fun exploring this one and seeing where all that luscious texture would take me. I'm quite happy with this one. Photo doesn't do it justice. Below is the original painting.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Policemans Creek Canmore

acrylic 20 x 28

Back in my comfort zone with a landscape and my palette knife. This was referenced from one of my many jaunts into Canmore and walking along Policeman's creek. I took many liberties such as the red bushes and removing the houses. I think it came together rather well and quickly.

Monday, April 16, 2012

puddle Play

acrylic 12 x 16
Puddles....all kids love puddles. Ahhhh to be that free again.  . My main objective was to keep it loose and fresh and not overwork it. I'm beginning to think I can only achieve the thick brush strokes using oils.Thanks so much to Kevin S Harding for granting me permission to use his lovely photo as reference ( you can view his work here link )

Friday, April 13, 2012

Space At The Bar

acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14
I really like back light and mood in my paintings and I think this captures it quite well.I'm still using the interactive acrylics. Thanks again to Kristi for letting me use her photos as reference, although I changed it dramatically.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


'Reserved',acrylic on canvas, 11 x  14

After my initial underpainting, I decided to use my interactive acrylics ( similar to Golden Open ) which stay wet longer. It was easier to blend and soften edges but I still found myself using thin paint ( except a few marks around the table) and using a palette knife is out of the question for these small urban scenes. I love seeing all the brush marks from thick oil paint and maybe I'm fighting a losing battle...but carry on I will.
here is the reference photo from Twincitiesrestaurantblog. used with permission.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Approach

acrylic, 11 x 14

I'm still experimenting with my urban scenes and this one is done on palette knife. I'm using regular acrylics, but I think I will have less struggle with the soft edges if I use my interactives. However, it is interesting to see the different effects I get. Somehow I just can't seem to use my paint thicker...not sure why...maybe still a bit timid.

I feel it's been so long since I painted and I'm getting behind. Time to get my nose to the grindstone. Although, I really enjoyed my week off and trips to Whistler and Vancouver. I'll post some pics later...or you can see them on my facebook page.