Sunday, August 30, 2015

Soul Searching

acrylic 16 x 20 inches

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about where and how I want to go forward in my career.

I feel I am at a crossroads and need to expand as an artist, to be more creative, explore new directions, and to have more control over where I show and what I paint.

Although I need to make a living, it’s not all about the money.  It’s important for me to be excited when I paint, to portray that passion and keep it fresh.

It is more fulfilling when my landscapes are less literal, concentrating more on the process to create mood and emotion. 

Earlier in my career I painted a lot of urban and figurative work and would like to revisit that genre, while still being true to my style. I have some ideas and I’m quite excited, although apprehensive to try them. But I WILL conquer my fear, break out of my box, to grow and move forward. I have so much I want to learn.

With travelling, company and health issues ( having to re-evaluate how I paint), I haven’t painted much in the last 2 months and literally avoided my studio. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and I'm now ready to tackle the next phase, however subtle that may be.
Having said all are three paintings I had started previously and finished today. ( still a little tight , but I'm easing my way back in)
acrylic 14 x 11
acrylic 20 x 20



Unknown said...

I hear you Linda. I felt the same way a couple of years ago and started doing abstracts. They aren't my best sellers by any stretch but I know I'm tapping into something that feels right even if I'm the only one feeling it. Love your "Soul Searching", especially the composition...almost abstract.

Linda Wilder Expressions said...

Thanks Carole

Verna Vogel said...

Hi Linda,

Yes, what Carol said!

I'm glad to read about your soul-searching, it is very important to do this. Taking an extended break can be the best thing, in the long run. I'm also glad you have gotten back into your studio lately!

The one time I've seen your work in person, it was at your gallery in Banff. I was so impressed because, unlike the images online, the underlying abstract nature of your paintings was very evident when seen up close and personal. It would not matter to me if you painted landscapes or something other, because it's that abstract underpinning that brings the excitement to your work.

I hope your health problems are surmountable, sounds like things are getting better.

Paint on, lady!


Linda Wilder Expressions said...

Thanks Verna, means a lot!

verna vogel said...

You are most welcome :) and thank you for your comment on my blog. I too do not know how to make my replies to comments visible to the recipients without revisiting my blog. C'est la vie.

And I'm loving your figurative work, very very nice to see!
