Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Figure Sketching

It's time to get back into some figuring drawing with a live model. When to the Calgary School of Art ( Cactus Art) last night for their first drop in session of the season. Only two of us plus the model...kind of nice having all that space. So heads up all you interested figure drawers, every Monday night from 6-9 at the Calgary School of Art, here is the link

I'm a little rusty at this but I plan to go regular to hone in my skills. Tonight ( Tuesdays) is Swintons drop in and Thursday is Calgary Figure Drawing  see link

These are all quick sketches with graphite, conte, and watercolor marker. The watercolor marker I had never used before and really enjoyed using it with a wet brush. eventually with longer poses I hope to use paint. Again quick sketches, so please excuse the wobbly anatomy as many of the proportions are off.

1 comment:

Roberta said...

I really like all these quick sketches. No apologies needed. I wouldn't change them at all!